Algebra Tiles

Algebra Tiles
Have you ever wondered what algebra would look like when represented with geometric shapes? You don’t have to wonder anymore. These algebra tiles bring algebra to life, transforming equations into shapes.
Each algebra tile represents a quantity or variable. Here’s a breakdown:
Small yellow square = 1 unit
Green rectangle = x
Large blue square = x²
Flip the tiles over with a double tap, and they’ll turn red. When they are red, the algebra tiles represent a negative value.
You can use the tiles to represent a range of algebraic expressions. For example, you can show 3x + 5. Do this by placing 3 green rectangles on the board and five small yellow squares. Represent 2x² – 7 by placing 2 blue squares on the board and 7 small red squares. Or, model equations such as 2x + 4 = 12.
Use the “blank,” “sides,” and “t chart” buttons to change the display of the work area. With the “sides” setup, you can represent two sides of an equation. Use the pencil and eraser tools to write and erase numbers, equations, and more. Use the trashcan tool to erase the board.
In addition to modeling algebraic equations, you can also model problems with positive and negative numbers. For example, – 5 + 7. Students can match up the red and yellow tiles that cancel each other out to see the answer, 2.
Check out our other virtual math manipulatives that help model various math concepts.