
Can you make it to the top of the mountain? It’s a steep climb, but if you use your brain, you’ll get there before you know it.
To climb, press start. Then, think about which color the spinner is most likely to land on. Click on the color and watch the spinner spin. If your prediction was correct, the climber will move up the mountain. But, if your prediction was incorrect, the climber will slide backward. Can you help the climber reach the summit?
This simple game is a great way to introduce the concept of probability. The spinner makes it easy for students to intuitively, yet accurately assess probability. After students have played for a while, try these activities:
- Ask students to explain how the game would change if another color was added to the spinner covering about 1/4 of it.
- Ask students to draw a spinner design that would mean it’s equally probable that the arrow will land on any of the three colors.
- Ask students to draw another spinner in which it’s even more likely that the arrow lands on green.
These tasks will help students step a bit deeper into probability.
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