Phonics Goal

Phonics Reader – Goal
A simple easy to read illustrated story with limited letter/sounds.
Letter-Sound Correspondence
/ă/ sound spelled a (pass, and)
/ĕ/ sound spelled e (gets)
/ĭ/ sound spelled i (pip)
/ŏ/ sound spelled o (mog)
/ŏ/ sound spelled a (ball, falls)
/ŭ/ sound spelled u (up, huffs, puffs)
/ō/ sound spelled oa (goal)
/d/ sound spelled d (and)
/f/ sound spelled f (falls)
/f/ sound spelled ff (huffs, puffs)
/g/ sound spelled g (mog, gets, goal)
/l/ sound spelled l (goal)
/l/ sound spelled ll (falls)
/m/ sound spelled m (mog)
/n/ sound spelled n (and)
/p/ sound spelled p (pass, pip, up)
/s/ sound spelled s (sit, huffs, puffs, falls, gets)
/s/ sound spelled ss (pass)
/t/ sound spelled t (gets)
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