
Type your heart out! This online typing tool simplifies word processing so that it’s fun and accessible. What will you write?
To use the tool, simply start typing! You can change the size of the text by selecting from the “small” “medium” and “large” buttons. You can change the font color. If you’d like the typing square to be larger, simply click and drag the bottom right-hand corner of the typing window. Also, if you type a lot, a scrolling bar will appear on the window.
How can you use this tool? This online tool is perfect for introducing young children to word processing. It offers a few options for customization to create a fun experience, but not so many that it’s overwhelming. Here are a few ideas:
- Ask students to write their spelling words using the type tool.
- Invite students to write a story.
- Say the words as students type them.
- Play “Whisper Down the Lane” or “Broken Telephone” instead of the last person saying what they heard, they have to type it!
Most of all, have fun!
Visit classplayground.com for more literacy activities and printables.