Doodle Pad

Doodle Pad
What do you want to draw today? Doodle a flower, a dog, a funny face, a rocket, a dinosaur, or something else!
To doodle, choose the size of the paintbrush by tapping on the dot symbol. Then, choose how big you’d like your paintbrush to be. Choose a color from the bottom of the screen. Change the shade of the color by tapping on the color square at the top of the screen. Notice when you color over an area twice, it will turn a shade darker, making for a coloring experience similar to working on paper! Clear the canvas by pressing the trash can symbol.
The online doodle tool is great for boosting student engagement and encouraging creativity! Use the online drawing tool in many different ways such as:
- Drawing ideas for a brainstorm
- A doodle pad for modeling and solving math problems
- Writing words
- Drawing a habitat for an animal
- Exploring colors
- Just doodling
There is no end to what you can do with the online doodle pad. It’s a great option for fast finishers, indoor recess, or center work.
Visit for art activities and printables.