How Many

How Many
Can you make the seeds grow into flowers? You can grow a beautiful garden with your counting skills!
Here’s how to play. Just count the seeds. Then, tap the button that shows the correct number. If you answer correctly, flowers will grow! If you answer incorrectly, the correct answer will be shown. Then, you can try again. Track your score on the top right-hand side of the screen. See how many correct answers you can get!
With this fun online counting game, children can practice number recognition. Plus, students reinforce the idea that each number represents a quantity. When counting, children also practice one-to-one correspondence. This basic skill is very important for students to master before they move on to more complex math concepts. With this online counting game, students can even start subitizing, or quickly estimating how many objects are in a small group.
The “how many” online counting game makes counting fun for students. Plus, it reinforces the concept with exciting visuals that encourage children to keep playing! Use this game as a part of your math centers, individual work time, or assign it as homework.
Visit for more counting activities and printables.