Subitizing Seeds

Subitizing Seeds
How many seeds are in a packet?
Quickly viewing a group of items and calculating the number is a helpful skill. With this fun subitizing seeds game, young children can practice counting, subitizing, and numeral recognition.
How does it work?
A number will appear on the flower pot. Simply choose the seed packet that shows the correct number of seeds. Drag and drop it above the flower pot and watch the seeds grow into plants! Press the trash can button in the bottom right-hand corner to clear the plants from the pot.
Subitizing is an important skill. This game helps children recognize patterns, such as those used on dominos or dice. Build students’ number sense and executive functioning with this exciting game! Use it in a center, during indoor recess, or for early finishers. Children will love playing this fun, educational game. Mix this game in with other subitizing games and activities to help your students master this skill.
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