
Are you ready to build? Use your imagination and create a castle, pool, park, or something else completely.
The online cube builder helps students develop many different skills including spatial reasoning, creativity, problem-solving, and an understanding of 3D objects. Using the 3D cube builder is easy after you experiment with it for a bit. This key will help you:
- Plus Button: Adds new cubes to the space
- Hammer: After selecting this button, you can remove specific cubes.
- Crosshairs: Centers your creation. Simply click once.
- Paint bucket: After choosing a different color in the top right hand color selector, click on the block of your choice. It will paint the block that color.
- Dropper: Use the dropper to select a color from one of the blocks. Then, with the color selected, you can then choose the paint bucket to use the color again.
- Trash can: Use this button to start over. You can also use this tool to reset the activity if you’ve deleted all of the cubes.
- More: Located in the bottom left-hand corner, press this button to select from the drop-down menu. Of particular interest is the duplicate tool. With this tool, you can click on your project to add another block of the same style right beside the other one. Use the rotate tool to turn or twist a block in different directions.
Remember, when selecting tools, they will show up highlighted in yellow. This will help you determine which tool is active at any given moment.
What will you build?
Visit for more resources and printables related to geometry.