Fraction Circles

Fraction Circles
Using fraction circles to teach fractions is as easy as pie! Using the idea of pie is actually a great way to familiarize students with the idea of fractions. With fraction circles, children can imagine dividing a pie into equal pieces and show that visually.
To use the fraction circles, simply click and drag the colored pieces onto the circles. You can remove pieces by simply clicking them and dragging them out of the circles. By using different colors for each fraction, we made it easy for students to compare them.
Use these interactive fraction circles with your students to explore equivalent fractions, common denominators, and mixed numbers. You can show students a mixed, simple, or improper fraction and then ask students to model it using the fraction circles. Students can also model operations with fractions using fraction circles.
Looking for more fraction resources? Check out our fraction bars and fraction strips
Visit for more resources and printables related to fraction circles.