Geoboard Shape

Geoboard Shape
Create like never before with this virtual geoboard shape tool. Make polygons of all sorts or try your hand at circular designs. The sky’s the limit with this unique online geometry tool.
First, choose your board type by tapping on the “array 10×10” button and selecting from the options. Use the pencil tool to draw shapes on the board. When you return to the gray dot, your shape will close. Change colors by tapping on the color blocks. Tap the circular color button to select a shade. The paint bucket can be used to change the color of your shapes after making them. Use the hand tool to move any shape. Clear the canvas using the trashcan tool. From left to right, the tools on the second row rotate your shape, make it grow bigger or smaller, flip it horizontally or vertically, or duplicate it.
The online geoboard is much more flexible than traditional boards. Plus, you’ll never run out of rubber bands (or have to worry about students flicking them at each other)! Invite students to explore geometric shapes and also explore their artistic side with the online geoboard. From following patterns and exploring the math behind art, the possibilities are endless
Use the virtual geoboard in conjunction with the many geoboard patterns and printables available at