
Welcome to our magical mirror tool! If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to draw and achieve perfect symmetry, this is your chance. Our magic drawing mirror tool allows you to produce a perfectly symmetrical drawing.
But, what is symmetry? It is a shape that is exactly the same on both sides if you drew an imaginary line through the middle. Rotational symmetry refers to shapes that can be turned without changing the overall shape. For example, a starfish or snowflake can be rotated without changing the overall shape.
To use the mirror tool, simply draw whatever you’d like on the left hand side of the page. Click on the dot in the upper right-hand corner to choose the size of your paintbrush. Then, select the color you’d like to use. Use the trash can tool to erase the canvas.
Here are some fun ideas to try using the tool:
- Draw a half circle starting along the dotted line. It will soon become a complete circle!
- Try to complete other shapes such as a star, square, or tree by drawing half of them on the left-hand side.
- Look up examples of symmetry in nature and try to produce them using the tool. For example, a shell, dragonfly, leaf, etc.
Visit classplayground.com for more resources and printables related to symmetry.