
Are you ready to have fun with shapes? Not to be confused with Tetris, this tool provides endless opportunities for learning and playing.
The word “Tetromino” combines the words “domino” and “Tetra,” which means four. In each shape, there are four squares, arranged in different ways.
Here’s how to play tetromino. Simply drag and drop shapes onto the board. Press the “rotate” and “flip” buttons to manipulate the tetrominoes. Write or draw using the pencil and eraser tools. The trash button clears the board.
Invite children to play with the tetrominoes. Or, use them as a base for engaging math lessons that explore a variety of skills and concepts. Here are some ideas:
- Ask children to create animals or pictures that use symmetry, such as a butterfly or flower. Children can use the pencil tool to add details to their drawings.
- Challenge students to use the tetrominoes to create shapes such as rectangles or squares without leaving any spaces inside.
- Create a pattern in a straight line using the tetrominoes, tesselating as much as possible.
- Which five tetrominoes can you use to make the biggest enclosed space? Count how many squares you can enclose.
Visit classplayground.com to learn more about perimeter and symmetry.