Alphabet Tiles

Alphabet Tiles
Are you looking for a fun way for your students to practice spelling? For many students, the motricity required for handwriting is tiring, exhausting them – which is when it’s time to bring in fun digital resources! With these online alphabet tiles (that will never get lost under your supply cabinet!), your students can continue early literacy activities such as spelling, uppercase and lowercase awareness, sentence structure, and more.
Using the free online alphabet tile tool is easy, and works similarly to a whiteboard. Project it onto your smartboard or set it up on small digital devices for students to use. Then, simply drag letters onto the grid, where they will snap into place. Add annotations using the pencil tool and erase them with the eraser tool. Clear the board with the trash can button.
Here are a few activities to try using the online alphabet tile tool:
- Give students a series of picture flashcards. Have students spell each word onto the grid.
- Put a series of uppercase and lowercase letters in a row across the board. Then, ask students to place the matching uppercase or lowercase letter below each letter.
- Dictate a list of proper and common nouns that students must write on the grid. Ask students to use proper capitalization when writing each word.
- Play whisper down the lane or “broken telephone”. The child at the end of the line must write the sentence onto the grid using proper capitalization.
- Give students one word. Then, ask students to write three additional words that rhyme or fit into the same word family.
- Give students a short list of spelling words. Ask them to copy the words onto the grid.
How will you use this tool?
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