Elkonin Boxes Multi Color

Elkonin Boxes Multi-Color
How many different sounds are in the word “cat”? This is a simple word for beginning readers. In total, there are three sounds or phonemes in the word, c / a / t.
Here’s how to use the virtual Elkonin boxes. Tap on the number “2” to select the number of boxes you want to appear. Use one box for each phoneme in the word. Say the word you’re working with. For example, “house.” Then, move a colored chip into a box for each sound you hear. In this case, you’d need three chips for the three phonemes h/ou/s. Press the restart symbol to clear the Elkonin boxes.
Use the Elkonin boxes as you teach phonemic awareness. Children build their understanding of word construction by breaking down words into their sounds. Then, students can learn to associate sounds with each letter or digraph. Here are a few ways to use the Elkonin boxes:
- Say a word. Have students move a chip into the box for each sound. Then, ask students how many sounds are in the word.
- Ask students if it’s possible to add another sound to the end of the word. For example, add a “y” to “cloud” or an “s” to “cat.” Then, ask if that would change how many Elkonin boxes they need.
- Ask students to list other words that start with the same sound.
Visit classplayground.com for more resources and printables related to Elkonin boxes and literacy.