Magic Spell

Magic Spell
How well can you spell? Find out with this fun online spelling game!
This game helps students build confidence in spelling. Here’s how it works! An image will appear in the center of the screen. Click on the letters to start spelling the word. Each letter will appear in the spaces above the grid. If you click on a letter out of order, the turtle will magically put it in its correct spot! Clicking on an incorrect letter will turn the letter black on the grid. That way, students know not to try that letter again.
This online spelling game is great for beginning readers and writers. The game supports students as they build their confidence in spelling. Plus, they can use guidance from the game to learn patterns in spelling and words. Here are some possible activities to do alongside this game:
- Have students write each word they spell.
- Have students write a sentence using the word they spelled.
- Play the game as a class. However, ask students to spell the words on a whiteboard. Then, invite one student to try spelling their word using the game.
Visit for more spelling activities and printables.