
Coins Australia

5 10 20 50 $1 $2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , . $ ¢ Are you sure you want to clear the canvas? Yes No

Coins Australia

What does money look like in Australia? How much are the coins worth? You’re about to find out! Learn about money from down under with our online Australia coins. 

These virtual Australia coins help students learn about money and its value in Australia. Money around the world comes in different shapes, sizes, and values. These virtual coins from Australia are similar in color and shape to the real coins. Add coins to the work area by clicking, dragging, and dropping them. You can also add numbers to the workspace. Add your own notes, draw pictures, and circle groups of coins with the pencil tool. Erase your pencil drawings with the eraser. Clear the workspace with the trash can button.

How can you use the virtual Australia coins for learning in the classroom? 

  • Compare the values of Australia coins with other coins such as coins from the United States.
  • Challenge students to show $5 in Australian coins in 5 different ways.
  • Draw different items for sale using the pencil tool. Add prices for each. Then, ask students to “pay” for items using the correct online Australia coins. 

Visit classplayground.com for more money activities and printables.

