Play Money United States
Play Money United States
Are you teaching your students about money? Usually, second graders are introduced to the idea of bills, coins, and their values. Yet, most elementary students are interested in money. So, bringing virtual play money to the classroom can be a great way to build motivation and excitement around math lessons focused on other operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Plus, it’s practical! Awareness about money is an essential life skill that will serve students their whole lives.
To use our virtual American play money, simply click and drag the bills, coins, and symbols onto the grid. Add numbers to show totals and equations. To remove items, simply drag and release them off the grid.
Use the virtual play money at a play store station, to practice math operations, word problems, and much more! The best part is that virtual bills and coins can’t get lost, wet, or ripped. They’re always right here at Toy Theater when you need them!
Visit for more resources and printables related to money.