Coins United Kingdom

Coins United Kingdom
How many pence in a pound? How many 20-pence coins do you need to make a 2-pound coin? Learning the value of UK coins is a practical, but interesting math activity. Whether you’re a teacher in the UK or you’re studying money around the world, working with coin values helps students practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
This set of virtual United Kingdom coins is perfect for identifying and practicing coin values. Similar in shape, size, and color to real coins, the virtual coins make it easy to teach UK coin value. Plus, students can compare them to real coins in the classroom. To use the coins, simply click and drag them into the workspace. If desired, add numbers to show values or create an equation. Use the pencil tool to write labels, information, or equations. Use the eraser for erasing pencil marks. The trash can tool clears the canvas.
Are you ready to have fun with virtual coins from the United Kingdom? Try these activities:
- Challenge students to form a certain quantity such as 2 £ as many ways as possible using the coins.
- Ask students to form a certain quantity such as 3.25 £ using the coins.
- Provide a word problem that students can solve using the virtual coins to model.
When students are experts at working with the UK virtual coins, try adding bills to the mix with our virtual play money from the United Kingdom.
Visit for more resources and printables related to money.